How to Heal Un-healed Hurts (w/ Patti Grace)

Trials, difficult seasons, hard roads, rocky paths, whatever you want to call them… they can make you bitter OR they can make you better. You get to decide.

On one hand, we become HARD and become unapproachable. Maybe even play the victim role. No one will learn anything from our story- including ourselves- except for “don’t cross me again.” We may even use pop psychology to defend our position or, even worse, put a spiritual halo atop the dysfunction.

That’s one way to handle it. A lot of people do.

And, in doing so, we often find that we continue “re-hurting” the same wound over and over.

An unhealed hurt, it seems, never heals. Furthermore, it continues getting re-hurt and hurting other things.


On the other hand, we can become SOFT, pliable, and OOZE a tangible grace, the kind exhibited by Job, the very one who prayed and restored those who (self-righteously, but well-intentioned) opposed him in the ashes (Job 42:10).


In this episode of Tribe Talk, Patti Grace shares her story, outlines how Issue-Focused Prayer Ministry works, and highlights two of the four stepping stones towards healing…

First, she discussed “the sins of the fathers,” a propensity to pick up the bad habits (and hurts) of people in our family line.

Second, she talks about our belief systems— and the importance of aligning our mindset with the truths of Scripture. “Ungodly Beliefs,” as they’re called, can hinder our healing…



Links =

Part 2 of the Inner Healing core curriculum at Transformation School of Ministry = Liberty = 

Issue-Focused Prayer Ministry = 

How to Schedule a prayer session = 

The Personal Questionnaire (PQ) Patti referenced = on the “how to schedule” page = 

Blog post (video) re: Sins of the Fathers =