Do You Accept that God Accepts You?

We can walk through life in one of two directions— living from the room of grace or from the room of good intentions.

On the surface, these rooms might look very much the same, but the motivation— that is, the drive, the fuel in the tank— is very different.

Let’s talk through the room of good intentions…

💔 The door = self efforts or striving

Notably, the way you get there is the way you stay there…

💔 The key question = What must I do to keep God pleased with me?

And the central identity…

💔 Identity = I’m just a sinner saved by grace.

That is, we still maintain our identity based on the past stuff… not on the present…

Some people even say, “You’re saved, now act like it.”

Or, to say it another way, “You’re saved— now prove it.”

This room includes a lot of hiding. We don’t tell anyone about our past mistakes, we don’t let anyone know that we’re “not fine” at any given time, and we expend our energy trying to measure up.

This room ie exhausting…

Let’s talk through the room of grace...

⭐️ The door = humility

We die to self and realize that we are totally dependent on God. And, we find a freedom and release there…

⭐️ The key question shifts… we don’t seek to be pleasing to God. Rather, we realize that we are pleasing to Him, and we grow in our trust of Him. We realize we can depend on Him for every area of life…

The central identity has shifted….

⭐️ Identity = I’m a SAINT that also deals with sin.


By the way, grace means that all of your past mistakes now serve a purpose rather than serving shame…

We don’t need to hide, because we can actually work on our sin issues— and do so openly with others.

It’s OK in this room to…

💙 Be transparent

💙 Not be OK

💙 Deal with the dirt

💙 Stop striving

💙 Let the masks come down, completely

In the end…

We come to believe that we are who God says we are— regardless of what the evidence suggests. It’s OK to be in process… and to be in peace with the journey.

Verse to remember—

Matthew 11:28-30 (“Come to me, all who are weary… I will give you rest.”



This talk is based on lesson 2 in The Inner Healing course. Go to for more info.

The Cure book which Rock mentions = (paperback) or (audiobook)