The Thing That Might Be Holding You Back

Many people experience a real encounter with Jesus. 

They have a salvation experience, assuring their eternal future is secure. 
And, they believe that Jesus offers so much more for them than they're experiencing. 

The blood of Jesus provides: 

💙 The ability to both know and do the will of the Father

💙 Freedom from guilt and shame

💙 Physical healing 

💙 Provision-- and even abundance 

💙 Blessing over the work of our hands

💙 Emotional wholeness


Yet many people who know Jesus don't experience the benefits we read about in Scriptures. 

In a word, they feel shackled-- as if something is holding them back. 

Rather than experiencing the abundant life Jesus promises, they fall prey to the enemy-- who comes to "kill, steal, and destroy" (see John 10:10).

What gives?


One of the keys is learning the difference between the soul and the spirit.
The spirit is the part of us that's totally connected to God's Spirit. In Christ, we're "one" with Him.

The soul, though, is the seat of our mindsets, our feelings, and our emotions.
Most of the issues we face find their root in the soul-- not the Spirit.

And most of those issues began a long time ago.


To walk in total freedom (and enjoy the life Jesus offers) we must "do the soul work." 

We must claim our freedom, and then actively walk in it.

We must, as Paul says, "work out our salvation," knowing that "God also works in you" (Philippians 2:12).

Notably, we don't work for salvation. Yet we do fight to experience freedom.


In this talk, we explore the difference between the soul and the spirit, and we discuss how some of the principles that God has set in place— in the spiritual world—

👉 Honoring your mother and father

👉 Judgements

👉 Reaping & Sowing

… may hold the key to walking in freedom…



Links mentioned in this tribe talk =

👉 The new Unshackled study = 

👉 The free video Andy referenced = 

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